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« Dear Superintendent Kolwe: do the right thing for Valedictorian, Andrew Jones | Main | Police 'Humanity' in Washington D.C. »

June 10, 2016


Cogent, passionate, with a slow simmer of anger. You stayed right on point, and by bringing it into your own kitchen, your kids, your husband, your questions makes it a story for every family.

"I would do anything to help my child," is such a commonplace, accepted truism... a "family value." Your examination will help others examine it. It is the unanswerable crie de coeur of every parent of a child who is a sociopath or criminal. In your grappling for answers, you do a great service. A truism, but perhaps not true or right.

A heartfelt and personal take on news that will cease to be news long before it has stopped casting its long and terrible shadow over all participants, innocent and guilty, foolish, blind, cruel, shattered. The moral questions raised transcend news, are larger even than the individuals themselves.

To me the JUDGE is the wholly incomprehensible figure here, by the way.


I am very proud of my late mom for discussing this with all of my brothers, and openly, while I was present. They are honorable men, in part, because of this.
Yet I cannot imagine the heartbreak of my mom had one of them made this horrifying choice. I believe this mom needs some time to grieve her broken dreams for her young son. Perhaps in time, she will find her voice again. Until then I think of her as one of his innocent victims.
Perhaps she was in collusion along the way. Perhaps not. But I know he is WAY past the age where he/we can blame his mom or hold her accountable.
I am not disagreeing with your important points. I just have such mercy for her, and for his entire family. Good son or worthless, they love him and have been terribly impacted...not as badly as the rape victim and her family, but damaged collaterally in a very painful way.

Talya Tate Boerner

Raising children is the toughest, most important job I've ever had. As a mother, I can't imagine the conflicted emotions Carleen must be facing and I hope I never have to. I suspect Brock has had other problems along the way.

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