C-anopied by a smoky-blue midnight
A-ngels crack through the beaming oval egg
L-ighting the opening indigo sky
L-ooking upon us below sitting brave and bleak
I-nside an eight-sided glass mirror
N-either judging nor ignoring our wilting
G-ifts to the world
M-erely present and acknowledging that we remain
I-ndifferent without its warmth and wisdom
S-hining on us, but mute and dull and gray if we don't look up, we'll miss the diamond
S-haped marque flashing “Detour” in the echo of the turn
C-hariot, sweet chariot, he rode high and cherished even before
H-awa began to help care for you and him
A-fter so much suffering was
R-eleased from her life and then
L-ifted from yours ~ and every so
O-ften during these last six months, I would look down at your sweet
T-umbleweed resting peacefully on my lap and wonder if
“T-ogether again” really does
E-xist… after our bodies release our souls up to that glowing yellow shell... Could it be that hidden deep inside it are the answers we’re all hoping for? And yet, maybe you found them in the caress of his soft angelic face, long before the moon whispered its secret, long before you told it to him.